Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Note from Pat

It is with anticipation and excitement that I am looking forward to the Retreats at The Potter's House. It is such a"God Thing" that Nancy and I have this privilege of inviting women into the adventure that God has provided for us. From Him orchestrating our friendship as a sweet gift to working through 12 years of "life lessons" as sisters in the Lord, I am confident that God has called us and am also confident that God will lead each woman of His choosing to The Potter's House to learn to hear God's voice more clearly and explore His plans for her life. The verse God has given Nancy and Me for these Retreats is Acts 13:2 - the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Nancy and Pat for the work to which I have called them." Not Because of Who I Am, But Because of Who YOU/GOD Are. Pat

March 21, 2010 10:47 AM

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Planning for the First Retreat of 2010

Pat and I are hard at work planning for the first retreat of 2010...The dates are April 16-18.
God has put together the five women He wants at the retreat and we are so excited to see what
He is going to accomplish......
We have things in pretty good shape if the weather will cooperate with us.....This has been the worse winter in the North Carolina mountains since 1994 so it looks like Spring is going to be late but we have faith
that God will provide what we need for the weekend.  He has been faithful every step of the way in planning for these retreats and we will continue to look to Him for all we need.
I will keep you up to date and please pray for us and the women attending....
Hugs and Blessings,
p.s.  Pat "makes" me do the blog stuff but I will continue to encourage her to add her comments whenever she feels led....She is a very good writer.....and you will enjoy getting to know her