Living Water Day Retreats

"If anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink" Psalm 42

Our invitation to Living Water Day Retreats is extended to anyone who is thirsty for a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Lord. God has prepared the perfect setting in the mountains of North Carolina for you to come and drink of the Living Water as we share His Word together.

If you find you are thirsty for a fresh word, accept our invitation to come aside for a day and receive what He has prepared for you.  It might just change your life.

Nancy Williamson and Sandra Kearns co-faciliate this retreat.

Cost:  $25.00 includes a box lunch and supplies
Time:  10:00 - 4:30p.m.
Dress:  Very Casual
Items to Bring:  Bible and Journal

To register or request brochure, please contact
Nancy Williamson
336 998 3920